¿Qué significa que un Funko Pop sea exclusivo?  Descubre los secretos detrás de las variantes más codiciadas de la colección

What does it mean for a Funko Pop to be exclusive? Discover the secrets behind the most coveted variants of the collection

Welcome collectors! If you are here it is because you are looking for exclusive Funko Pops, those variants that make you sigh and that can cost a fortune. Today in our article we are going to tell you everything you need to know about these unique pieces that have become the obsession of many collectors. So, are you ready to discover the secrets behind the most exclusive Funko Pops?

Before we begin, it's important to define what it means for a Funko Pop to be exclusive. In simple terms, this is a variant that is not widely available for sale. That is, it cannot be found in any Funko Pops store. These variants can be produced in limited numbers, have a specific geographic distribution, or be exclusive to one event or store.

Now that we have defined what exclusive Funko Pops are, it is important to know the different categories in which they can be classified. The first category is that of store exclusives, which are those that can only be purchased at a particular store. For example, in the US there are those exclusive to Walmart, Target or GameStop. In Europe, the specialty comic book store, Forbidden Planet, is famous for having its own exclusive variants.

The second category is event exclusives. These Funko Pops can only be obtained by attending a specific event, such as San Diego Comic-Con or Star Wars Celebration. At these events, Funko often releases exclusive variants in limited editions that are only available to those who attend the event in person.

The third category is those exclusive to geographic distribution. These Funko Pops can only be found in specific stores or countries. For example, in Asia, variants of Funko Pops with the image of characters from Korean TV shows were released, while in Japan, exclusive Pokémon figures were released.

Another interesting category is that of convention exclusives. These Funko Pops are produced especially for a convention, but are available to purchase from online stores after the event. An example of this are the figures that were released at Star Wars Celebration 2022, which included characters from the Disney+ series "The Mandalorian".

It is important to mention that within these categories there are sub-categories, such as the "Chase" or "Flocked" Funko Pops. "Chase" Funko Pops are special variants that are produced in limited numbers and are hard to find. They usually differ from the original version of the character in the action figure by some specific detail, such as a different color or alternate pose. The "Flocked" Funko Pops are variants that have a special texture that makes them appear furry or soft to the touch.

In short, exclusive Funko Pops are special variants that cannot be found at just any Funko store. On our website you can find several examples of exclusive funkos. check out!!

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